Bill Maher Says New York Crime Is “Out Of Control”

On Friday’s episode of HBO’s “Real Time,” Bill Maher suggested that criminal activity in New York is getting out of hand

Maher suggested it must be dreadful for the officers’ morale because they arrest the same people repeatedly.  He explained that 327 persons account for a third of all shoplifting cases in a metropolis of 8 million. The police can be an issue, but he didn’t see how things could get under control until the police felt like they could be part of a solution. 

Maher then remarked that black men primarily target and murder other black men in Chicago, so why isn’t it a topic of discussion?  Why aren’t black celebrities asking them to stop doing this to themselves? It seems like this issue is seldom discussed.

Maher read an article stating that one in three American youngsters struggle to read beyond a basic level.  The reading abilities of 85 percent of black kids are below average. He said we pour an enormous amount of money into our educational system. Those who can’t read will have trouble finding and keeping a job. Also, the left’s answers often come out as empty symbolism. Many believe we ignore the most pressing issue: educating and preparing children to enter the workforce.

Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, appearing on Tuesday’s episode of “Mornings with Maria” on the Fox Business Network, welcomed the House field hearing on crime in New York. He believes Alvin Bragg is a significant contributor to crime blossoming in the city.

Kelly spoke favorably on the proceedings. He appreciated the open line of communication between lawmakers and crime victims. However, Chairman Jordan (R-OH) is correct in his assessment of the widespread disrespect shown to police personnel.

He said the quality of New Yorkers’ lives had diminished dramatically, and anybody could see that just by walking around New York. People are fleeing because of this.