James Carville, who shot to fame during the Clinton administration as a political consultant and commentator for the Democratic party, expressed disgust and dismay at Joe Biden’s sagging poll numbers, comparing his experience watching them to catching his grandmother naked.
The bawdy metaphor slipped out during an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, which was devoted to Carville’s analysis of the current state of the Democratic party. The current poll numbers reveal that Joe Biden faces an uphill battle in his bid for re-election. Biden’s regular gaffes and age have taken a significant toll on his public image, according to Carville. Trump, despite being 77 years old, exhibits a consistent energy and buster that makes Biden look weak, and slow by comparison.
The first thing focus groups notice about Biden, Carville said, is how old he seems. Pretending that’s not an issue could prove fatal for the President’s chances this November. Carville is not pleased with this state of affairs, as he views Trump as a first-order criminal who is, frankly, insane. Unfortunately, in Carville’s view, Trumps timing and sense of humor and conversational skills allow him to control the public’s perception in a way that eludes Biden.
Carville suggested that Biden has little option but to stay the course and hope that the base and the Democratic activist groups come through in the pinch.
An NBC News poll from February reveals three-quarters of voters (including half of the polled Democrats) are concerned about the President’s physical and mental health. While the same voters expressed discomfort with Trump, those concerns did not rise to the same degree as the concerns about Biden.
According to RealClearPolitics polling averages, Biden is currently trailing former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, in each of the seven essential battleground states. Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania are all poised to break for Trump were the election held today.