The campaign of former President Donald Trump revealed on Tuesday that he will be the first major presidential contender to accept cryptocurrency contributions and make history.
The Trump campaign said that any federally legal contributor may contribute via its joint campaign fundraising committees through any cryptocurrency authorized through the Coinbase Commerce platform. President Trump is the first major party presidential candidate to accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment, and this is just one more way his innovative digital fundraising organization is changing the game. Donations made using cryptocurrency will be subject to the same transparency rules and contribution limits as those imposed by the Federal Election Commission.
Some of the digital currencies listed as being accepted by the former president are Bitcoin, USD, and XRP, according to the website. Donations made using cryptocurrency to the Trump campaign are now accepted, following federal regulations.
According to Trump’s cryptocurrency contribution page, your assistance is necessary to save our country from Biden’s mistakes. President Trump is prepared to embrace new technology that will help America become great again, in contrast to President Biden, who is imposing red tape on everyone.
The financial landscape looks to be swiftly shifting from the 2024 election season, when the Democrat National Committee (DNC) and Biden had a clear cash edge against candidate Trump and a troubled, depleted Republican National Committee (RNC).
The (RNC), now co-led by Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump, made progress against its Democrat opponent, as it outraised Biden and the DNC by $76 million vs. $51 million in April.
Biden’s campaign claimed to have more cash on hand in April than any Democrat contender in history, with a total of $192 million. But his campaign may be spending as much money as it is generating, as this figure was almost identical to what was reported at the conclusion of the initial three months on March 30.
The RealClearPolitics average for May 21st showed that Trump had a 1.1-point lead over Biden nationally, with 46.7% of the vote compared to 45.6% for Biden.
Last week, Trump had a six-point lead, far more than the Harvard-Harris poll’s two-point margin of error.