A student at New York University has filed a lawsuit against her roommate and her roommate’s mother, accusing them of stealing $50,000 worth of her jewelry, handbags and clothes.
According to court documents, Aurora Agapov is alleging that her roommate, Kaitlyn Fung” and her mother tried to sell the stolen items on a consignment store online.
The suit says Fung “concocted a scheme whereby she would steal Plaintiff’s jewelry and high-end designer clothing and handbags and sell same through The RealReal.”
Around May 1, Agapov said that she noticed that some of her belongings were missing. That same day, she said she found a receipt that was written to her roommate, who is from the town of Old Tappan in New Jersey.
According to the suit, the receipt was allegedly from a luxury consignment store called The RealReal. It listed some of the items that Agapov — who just finished her freshman year at NYU — alleges that her roommate stole.
Agapov spoke to The New York Post recently, telling the media outlet that some of the items that were stolen were given to her by her mother. She said of the thefts and her roommate:
“My heart dropped. We spoke pretty much every day. I’d say we didn’t really have any falling outs or anything.”
The RealReal issued a statement to media outlets that said that all consignors must sign an agreement that confirms that they have the right to sell all items they bring to them, and that none of the items are in fact stolen.
The company added that it was in cooperation with local authorities about the incidents in question in the lawsuit, and that they released all information that was requested of them.
A spokesperson for the company said:
“If we receive any information that items might be stolen, we act fast by removing them from the site and starting an investigation. We also advise the alleged victim to file a police report and we work with law enforcement and other legal authorities.”
Neither the legal team representing Agapov or Fung immediately responded to a request for comment that was issued by CBS News.
The lawsuit says that Agapov confronted her roommate about the incident, and Fung admitted that she had indeed stolen valuable items. Some of those items were already sold on The RealReal, the lawsuit states.
Agapov and Fung were roommates for just the 2023-24 school year.
The suit also says that Fung signed into her account on the consignment site, per Agapov’s request, showing her all the items she had listed for sale. Among those items were a purse from Chanel that’s worth $4,000, an 18K ruby ring made by Solange Azagury worth $23,765, and a tote made by Celine Nanno valued at $3,300.
Some items in her account had already been sold, including a bracelet from Chanel that sold for $175, and a necklace from Bvlgari that sold for $2,485.