During most of his presidency, Biden has appeared completely inept, and has made several questionable governing decisions. On the first day of his presidency, Biden reversed many key policies that President Trump had implemented at the southern border which had significantly reduced the number of illegal migrants entering America. What has followed these decisions has been an unprecedented surge in migration into America. While making America less safe and threatening the national security of the union, Biden has also given in to the demands of radical progressive environmentalists.
Bidens predecessor, Donald Trump, had the nation energy independent and non-reliant on any foreign sources for energy sources like oil for the first time in decades. Biden reversed this, gutting oil production and subsidizing “green” energy initiatives like wind and solar. Gas prices have skyrocketed, and the middle class has been crushed. Biden also ended construction of a major pipeline which would connect sources of Canadian oil to American refineries known as the Keystone pipeline. Simultaneously, Biden allowed foreign nations like Russia to drill for oil while continuing to cripple his own domestic production. Biden has worked against the interests of his own country and empowered enemies of America. He even removed oil sanctions on Venezuela, a socialist nation and an adversary of America. America is now importing oil from Venezuela, beholden to an enemy nation for supplies. Another adversary, Iran, has watched its economy boom following the removal of sanctions.
In another recent development, Bidens administrators in charge of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management sold leasing rights for a major offshore drilling area near the Gulf of Mexico in late December after spending months attempting to cancel or eliminate the drilling project. Congress had mandated a sale for drilling rights of the area in May of 2022; Biden and his administration had routinely attempted to stifle the project and limit the area for drilling due to reported general environmental concerns.